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...Advice from the "Casting Table"

We want you to feel confident and secure in your audition.

The three biggest things you probably aren't thinking about when you come into the room for  an audition, but should be.

1.) We want you to be the one for the part.

2.) We hope you do great & shake the nerves.

3.) We want you to show us you want it bad!!!

Auditioning for Musicals

Materials you will need to prepare:

1 minute (or 16 bars) 

from any song from a musical




(if you need sheet music talk to friends, family, or use the internet if you can.

We will allow a karaoke performance, but you will need an instrumental track ready...a cd player will be provided.

we would like to hear you with music.



             You will need to:

Wear appropriate clothing

for dancing.

Stretch out before the dance audition starts


The choreographer will be teaching routines that you will need to repeat either in small groups or on your own depending on the show.


The level of difficulty in the dance routines depends entirely upon the show we are producing, if you have any questions please feel free to stop in the Drama Department and ask us your questions.


What you will need to do in order to prepare:

Please read the script* for the show if you can. It is essential that you understand the story and characters.

*(if you can't get a script...use the internet to find synopsis, character descriptions, video clips, summaries etc.)

Try to have a character in mind that you are wanting to go after in the show. It is best to know your strengths and go for parts that you are able to play in the audition.

1.) Work on physicality of the character

2.) Work on the voice of the character

3.) Have fun with the character, be strong in your choices 

4.) Try to bring something unique to your interpretaion

All actors will be given asides or cuttings* from the script's dialogue to read for the parts available.

*(If the cuttings are made available before the day of the audition...LOOK AT THEM)

Warm up your body and voice before the audition on your own and get focused!


  • Respect the audition process.
  • Respect the casting directors
  • Respect your fellow actors
  • Respect your stage manager


Please don't ask for feedback on your audtion for at least a week after'll need that time to do personal reflection first.

Helpful Hint

Once you learn the routine from the choreographer...go in the hallway and practice, practiced, practice!

More on Auditoning

Links to check out!



        Troupe 191

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